No rest for the wicked, so now to interview the protagonist: the star of the story, Saskia Brookes.
Me: 'So what did you get up to at the weekend, Saskia?'
Saskia: 'Not a lot. There was homework, Youth Group, church - morning and evening services, door-knocking for Red Cross and I worked on my cross-stitch. I hope to achieve more next weekend.'
Me: 'That sounds like a lot - how do you find time for friends and perhaps dating?'
Saskia: 'I've been praying a lot in the hope that I can find my purpose in life - whether that is to be healer, prophet or what, I don't know. If I'm dedicated enough, I might hear God talk to me. Then I'll have a vision of the one I'm destined to marry. A shortcut though, would be for him to just have the vision of me. That'd be quicker. He's already amazing enough to be properly tuned into The Man Above, after all. Um, oh, sorry. I mean... Hypothetically speaking. Eliza is about the only friend I can fit into my schedule, and dating... Isn't that something people in American movies do?'
Me: 'Woah. You have someone in mind then?'
Saskia, blushing: 'No. I mean, maybe. Of course it's not for me to try to predict who God has in mind for me, it's just... Some prayer at my end might steer Him in the right direction. Wait, that sounds terrible. Scrap that bit. You know, I'm doing a bunny cross-stitch right now. Once it's done I might sew it to a cushion. I don't know though, maybe that's lame...'
Me: 'I interviewed Eliza a few weeks back. She didn't seem the cross-stitch type. What do you two do when you hang out together?'
Saskia: 'Um... I haven't seen a lot of her lately but we have a blast together - we like to watch Rage and make fun of the film clips. She loves dress-ups and wigs, so we usually have these whacky fashion parades, along with my little sister. Then they dance to some kinda music that Eliza hates but Lexie loves while I catch up on my cross-stitch. Well, that's what used to happen, at least.' *shrugs*
Me: 'You miss hanging out with her?'
Saskia: 'It's fine, really. I mean, I'm following the path God has in mind for me, so that's the most important thing. It's like in Proverbs 3:6 - 'Let God direct your steps.' I'm not too good at deciphering these directions yet, but I trust I'll get there. As soon as I'm given a map.'
Me: 'Right. What will you do if you don't get a map?'
Saskia: 'I'll get a map, okay? (Huffy now) I can be patient. It's a metaphorical map, by the way. You know that, right?'
Me: 'I know that, I just wondered-'
Saskia: 'I don't have time for this. I need to feed the neighbour's cat, edit the church newsletter, make a care package for my sponsor child and bake some goodies for the Youth Group's Progressive Dinner tonight. Oh and I'll have to whip up something for the main too - Monique's sick.'
Me: 'Sorry, I'll let you be on your way. Thanks so much for your time.'
Saskia: 'No, I'm sorry. I was out of line. Want to come along to the Progressive Dinner tonight?'
Me: 'No thanks, that's fine.'
Saskia: 'Maybe you'd like to come along to the evening service next Sunday? It's quite fun and loose, I think you'd like it.'
Me: 'Okay, Progressive Dinner it is.'
Saskia: 'Great! See you tonight. We meet at the church. See you later!' *rushes off*